To use the Acupuncture Points Page, select the meridian on the left side of the page. A list of all of the points in the meridian will appear on the right side of the page. Once selected, images, locations, points, Chinese name, actions, and much more will appear.


CV21 • Xuan Ji
Conception Vessel • 21
Conception Vessel Points
CV21 . Xuan Ji CV21 . Xuan Ji
CV21 • Xuan Ji • Conception Vessel 21 Jade Pivot.
Location: On the manubrium midline, midway between CV 20 and CV 22.
Descends Stomach Qi
Unbinds The Chest
Benefits The Throat
Disseminates And Descends Lung Qi
Dispels Food Accumulation
Regulates The Upper Burner
Alleviates Cough And Wheezing
Asthma • Chest Discomfort • Chest Pain • Cough • Dyspnea • Throat Disorders • Throat Infections • Throat Soreness • Wheezing •