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CV6 • Qi Hai
Conception Vessel • 6
Conception Vessel Points
CV6 . Qi Hai CV6 . Qi Hai
CV6 • Qi Hai • Conception Vessel 6 Sea of Qi. Front Mu Point for Sea of Qi that connects with Back Shu BL24.
Location: On the lower abdomen, on the anterior midline, 1.5 cun inferior to the umbilicus.
Strengthens Original Qi
Regulates Qi
Tonifies The Kidneys
Rescues Collapse Of Yang
Regulates Qi
Fortifies Yang
Harmonizes Blood
Abdominal Distention • Abdominal Masses • Abdominal Pain • Cardiac Pain • Constipation • Diarrhea • Dysmenorrhea • Edema • Heat Stroke • Hemorrhage Postpartum • Hernia • Impotence • Infertility • Intestinal Disorders • Leukorrhea • Menses Irregular • Urinary Dysfunction • Urinary Incontinence • Urine Retention • Uterine Bleeding Abnormal • Uterine Prolapse •