To use the Acupuncture Points Page, select the meridian on the left side of the page. A list of all of the points in the meridian will appear on the right side of the page. Once selected, images, locations, points, Chinese name, actions, and much more will appear.


LU6 • Kong Zui
Lung • 6
Lung Points
LU6 . Kong Zui LU6 . Kong Zui
LU6 • Kong Zui • Lung 6 Collection Hole. Xi Cleft Point on the Lung Channel.
Location: On the radial side of the forearm, 5 cun inferior to LU 5, on a line from LU 5 at the cubital crease and LU 9 at the lateral side of the wrist crease.
Disseminates And Descends Lung Qi
Clears Heat
Clears Heat
Moderates Acute Conditions
Moistens The Lung
Stops Bleeding
Arm Pain • Asthma • Chest Pain • Cough • Coughing Blood • Elbow Problems • Headache • Hemorrhoids • Loss Of Voice • Perspiration Absent • Respiratory Disorders • Throat Infections • Throat Soreness •