To use the Acupuncture Points Page, select the meridian on the left side of the page. A list of all of the points in the meridian will appear on the right side of the page. Once selected, images, locations, points, Chinese name, actions, and much more will appear.


ST13 • Qi Hu
Stomach • 13
Stomach Points
ST13 . Qi Hu ST13 . Qi Hu
ST13 • Qi Hu • Stomach 13 Qi Door. Meeting Point on the Stomach Channel with the Kidney, Gall Bladder, Large Intestine, Triple Energizer, Pericardium and Lung Channels.
Location: In the infraclavicular fossa, on the midclavicular line, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline.
Lowers Rebellious Qi
Unbinds The Chest
Asthma • Cough • Dyspnea • Hiccough • Perspiration Excessive • Respiratory Disorders • Thoracic Distention And Fullness •