To use the Acupuncture Points Page, select the meridian on the left side of the page. A list of all of the points in the meridian will appear on the right side of the page. Once selected, images, locations, points, Chinese name, actions, and much more will appear.


ST40 • Feng Long
Stomach • 40
Stomach Points
ST40 . Feng Long ST40 . Feng Long
ST40 • Feng Long • Stomach 40 Bountiful Bulge. Luo Connecting Point on the Stomach Channel to SP3.
Location: On the leg, one cun lateral to ST 38 at the midpoint of a line between ST 35 at the lateral patella and the lateral malleolus.
Transforms Phlegm
Unbinds The Chest
Clears Lung Phlegm
Clears Heart Phlegm
Activates The Channel
Alleviates Pain
Alleviates Cough And Wheezing
Calms The Spirit
Drains Damp
Amenorrhea • Asthma • Chest Pain • Constipation • Cough • Dizziness • Edema Lower Body • Headache • Leg Muscle Atrophy • Leg Pain • Leg Paralysis • Mental Disorders • Nasal Discharge Excessive • Seizures • Throat Constriction • Throat Soreness • Uterine Bleeding Abnormal • Vertigo •