ST36 Zu San Li
Stomach Meridian
Yu Syndrome
on the conditions above for a point prescription.
Qi Stagnation / Fire
on the acupuncture points above for images of location
and meridian.
Yu Syndrome Qi Stagnation / Fire |
Clear Liver Fire, soothe Liver Qi, calm the mind. |
Qi Stagnation Turning Into Fire - Irritable temper, fullness in the chest and hypochondriac region, dryness and bitter taste in the mouth, headache, congested eyes, tinnitus or acid regurgitation, constipation, red tongue proper, rapid wiry pulse. |
Additional points: GV20 and P6 for anger and more irratability, GB20 for headache and dizziness, ST25 for constipation. |
Selection: |
CV13 Shan Guan
In the upper umbilical region, on the anterior midline, 5 cun superior to the umbilicus. |
Upper Venter. Meeting Point on the Conception Vessel with the Stomach and Small Intestine Channels. |
Regulate Stomach Qi. |
GB34 Yang Ling Quan
On the lateral side of the leg, in the depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula. |
Yang Mound Spring. Hui Point for Tendons and Muscles. He Sea Point on Gall Bladder Channel. Earth Point on Wood Meridian. |
Soothe Liver Fire. |
GB43 Jia Xi
On the dorsum of the foot, distal to the fourth and fifth metatarsophalangeal joints, 0.5 cun proximal to the web margin. |
Pinched Ravine. Ying Spring Point on the Gall Bladder Channel. Water Point on Wood Meridian. |
Clear Liver and Gall Bladder Fire to calm the spirit. |
LR2 Xing Jian
On the dorsum of the foot, between the first and second metatarsophalangeal joints, 0.5 cun proximal to the web margin. |
Moving Between. Ying Spring Point on the Liver Channel. Fire Point on Wood Meridian. |
Clear Liver and Gall Bladder Fire to calm the spirit. |
ST36 Zu San Li
On the leg, one finger breadth lateral to the tibia's anterior crest, 3 cun inferior to ST 35 in the depression to the lateral side of the patella. |
Leg Three Li. He Sea Point on the Stomach Channel. Special Command Point for the Abdomen. Earth Point on the Earth Meridian. |
Regulate Stomach Qi. |