Yu Syndrome Phlegmatic Qi Stagnation |
Soothe the Liver, regulate Qi, resolve phlegm. |
Depression, chest fullness, discomfort sensation of the throat with a lump feeling, but no difficulty swallowing, thin greasy tongue coating, wiry, slippery pulse. |
n/a |
Selection: |
CV17 Shan Zhong
On the sternal midline, level with the fourth intercostal space, between the nipples. |
Chest Center. Front Mu of the Pericardium that connects with Back Shu BL14. Meeting Point on Conception Vessel with Pericardium, Spleen, Kidney, Small Intestine and Triple Energizer Channels. |
Regulate Qi, opens the chest. |
CV22 Tian Tu
In the suprasternal fossa, on the anterior midline, just above the jugular notch. |
Celestial Chimney. Meeting Point on the Conception Vessel with the Yin Linking Vessel. Minor Window of the Sky Point. |
Clear throat and diaphragm. |
LR3 Tai Chong
On the dorsum of the foot, between the first and second metatarsal bones, approximately 2 cun superior to the web margin. |
Great Surge. Shu Stream Point on the Liver Channel. Yuan Source Point on the Liver Channel. Earth Point on Wood Meridian. |
Soothes Liver Qi. |
PC6 Nei Guan
On the anterior forearm, 2 cun superior to the transverse wrist crease, between the tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis muscles. |
Inner Pass. Luo Connecting Point on the Pericardium Channel to TE4. Special Command Point for the Thorax. |
Calms spirit, opens the chest. |
ST40 Feng Long
On the leg, one cun lateral to ST 38 at the midpoint of a line between ST 35 at the lateral patella and the lateral malleolus. |
Bountiful Bulge. Luo Connecting Point on the Stomach Channel to SP3. |
Resolve phlegm. |