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 Physical Activity • Lakartidningen. 2002 Nov 7;99(45):4484-9.
  November 1, 2002
Author / Title Physical activity can influence the course of early arthritis. Both strength training and aerobic exercise provide pain relief and functional improvement  / Roos E.
Abstract There is no causal treatment for osteoarthritis. Instead treatment is aimed at decreasing pain and improving function. The base of osteoarthritis treatment is education and exercise. Exercise, both aerobic exercise and muscular strength training, have positive effects on pain and function. The minimum recommendations of exercise are equivalent to the recommendations of physical activity to obtain or maintain a good general health. Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for osteoarthritis pain. However, function is not automatically improved when pain is relieved.
Conclusion Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for osteoarthritis pain. However, function is not automatically improved when pain is relieved.
Local Avdelningen for ortopedi, institutionen for rorelseorganens sjukdomar, Universitetssjukhuset, Lund.
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