KI5 Shui quan
Kidney Meridian
Urine Retention
on the conditions above for a point prescription.
Urethral Obstruction
on the acupuncture points above for images of location
and meridian.
Urine Retention Urethral Obstruction |
Resolve stasis and promote urinary discharge by using mainly the Front Mu and Back Shu points of the Bladder, points from the Spleen. |
Dripping of urine, or obstruction of urine, pain and distention in the lower abdomen, red spots over the surface of the tongue and rapid hesitant pulse. |
Additional point: CV6 for abdomenal obstruction. |
Selection: |
BL28 Pang Guang Shu
In the sacral region, 1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, at the level of the second posterior sacral foramen. |
Bladder Shu. Back Shu of the Bladder that connects with Front Mu CV3. |
Regulate Qi of Bladder. |
CV3 Zhong Ji
In the pubic region, on the anterior midline, 1 cun superior to the upper border of the symphysis pubis. |
Central Pole. Front Mu Point of the Bladder that connects with Back Shu BL28. Meeting Point on the Conception Vessel with the Spleen, Liver and Kidney Channels. |
Regulate Qi of Bladder. |
KI5 Shui quan
On the medial ankle, 1 cun below KI 3, in the depression anterior and superior to the medial side of the tuberosity of the calcaneus. |
Water Spring. Xi Cleft Point on the Kidney Channel. |
Xi Cleft of Kidney, promote urination, stop pain. |
SP6 San Yin Jiao
On the medial leg, 3 cun superior to the medial malleolus, on the posterior border of the tibia. Contraindication: Do Not Needle If Pregnancy is known or suspected. |
Three Yin Intersection. Meeting Point on the Spleen Channel with the Liver and Kidney Channels. |
Circulate blood, remove blood stasis. |
ST28 Shui Dao
On the lower abdomen, 3 cun inferior to the umbilicus and 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline, at the level of CV 4. |
Waterway. |
Waterway, regulate Qi activity of the Bladder to release obstruction. |