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 Bi Syndrome
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 Pulmonary TB
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 Urine Retention
 Yu Syndrome







CV23  •  Lian Quan
Conception Vessel Meridian
Lung Channel Heat
Stomach Fire
Yin Deficiency
Click on the conditions above for a point prescription.
Stomach Fire
CV23 • Lian Quan
LI20 • Ying Xiang
LI4 • He Gu
ST44 • Nei Ting
Click on the acupuncture points above for images of location and meridian.



Condition: Epistaxis •  Stomach Fire
Treatment: Clear and purge Stomach Fire to stop bleeding.
Description: Epistaxis, thirst with preference for cold drinks, foul breath, constipation, restlessness, red tongue body, yellow coating, rapid flooding pulse.
Comment: Additional points: LI2 for persistent bleeding, SP1 for profuse bleeding, CV14 and LI11 for fever.

Point Selection:
CV23 • Lian Quan • On the neck, on the anterior midline, in the depression superior to the hyoid bone.
Ridge Spring. Meeting Point on the Conception Vessel with the Yin Linking Vessel.
Explanation: Clear Stomach Heat, stop bleeding.

LI20 • Ying Xiang • In the nasolabial groove, 0.5 cun lateral to the nostril.
Welcome Frangrance. Meeting Point on the Large Intestine Channel with the Stomach Channel.
Explanation: Clear Stomach Heat, stop bleeding.

LI4 • He Gu • On the dorsum of the hand, approximately at the midpoint of the second metacarpal bone, in the belly of the first interosseus dorsalis muscle.
Contraindication: Do Not Needle If Pregnancy is known or suspected
Union Valley. Yuan Source Point on the Large Intestine Channel. Command Point of the Face and Mouth.
Explanation: Clear Stomach Heat, stop bleeding.

ST44 • Nei Ting • On the dorsum of the foot, at the proximal end of the web between the second and third toes.
Inner Court. Ying Spring Point on the Stomach Channel. Water Point on Earth Meridian.
Explanation: Clear Stomach Heat, stop bleeding, guides Stomach Fire downward.