LU1 Zhong Fu
Lung Meridian
on the conditions above for a point prescription.
Lung Qi Deficiency
on the acupuncture points above for images of location
and meridian.
Cough Lung Qi Deficiency |
Tonify Lung Qi, stop cough. |
Feeble cough and asthma aggravated after exertion, thin, clear sputum, spontaneous sweating, low energy, low voice, shortness of breath, pale face, pale tongue body with thin-white coating, feeble pulse. |
Additional point ST40 for profuse sputum. |
Selection: |
BL13 Fei Shu
On the upper back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the third thoracic vertebra (T3). |
Lung Shu. Back Shu of the Lung that connects with Front Mu LU1. |
Tonify and regulate Lung Qi to stop cough. |
CV6 Qi Hai
On the lower abdomen, on the anterior midline, 1.5 cun inferior to the umbilicus. |
Sea of Qi. Front Mu Point for Sea of Qi that connects with Back Shu BL24. |
Tonify Qi, strengthen source of Qi. |
LU1 Zhong Fu
On the lateral chest, inferior to the acromial end of the clavicle, 6 cun lateral to the Conception Vessle. CautionAvoid the Lungs! |
Central Treasury. Front Mu Point of the Lung that connects with Back Shu BL13. Meeting Point on the Lung Channel with the Spleen Channel. |
Tonify and regulate Lung Qi to stop cough. |
LU9 Tai Yuan
On the lateral side of the anterior wrist crease, in the depression on the radial side of the radial artery. |
Great Abyss. Shu Stream Point on the Lung Channel. Yaun Source Point on the Lung Channel. Earth Point on Metal Meridian. |
Tonify and regulate Lung Qi to stop cough. |
ST36 Zu San Li
On the leg, one finger breadth lateral to the tibia's anterior crest, 3 cun inferior to ST 35 in the depression to the lateral side of the patella. |
Leg Three Li. He Sea Point on the Stomach Channel. Special Command Point for the Abdomen. Earth Point on the Earth Meridian. |
Tonify Qi, strengthen source of Qi. |