SI3 Hou Xi
Small Intestine Meridian
Frozen Shoulder
on the conditions above for a point prescription.
on the acupuncture points above for images of location
and meridian.
Frozen Shoulder Pain |
Expel Wind-Cold. Promote Qi and Blood circulation and remove the obstruction from the channels and collaterals by using points mainly from the three Yang Channels of the hand. |
Pain initially starts on one or two shoulders. It alleviates in the daytime and worsens at night, and may also involve the upper arm, nape and back. The condition is also aggravated by cold, but is alleviated with warmth. At the advanced stage, there may be difficulty in raising the arm, limited arm abductions and backwards stretching. Prolonged frozen shoulder may result in muscular atrophy. |
n/a |
Selection: |
LI11 Qu Chi
On the lateral side of the cubital crease when the elbow is close to full flexion. |
Pool at the Bend. He Sea Point on the Large Intestine Channel. Earth Point on Metal Meridian. |
Regulates Qi and Blood. |
LI14 Bi Nao
On the lateral brachial region, on the anterior margin of the insertion of the deltoid muscle, on the line connecting LI 11 at the cubital crease and LI15 inferior to the acromion. |
Upper Arm. Meeting Point on the Large Intestine Channel with the Small Intestine and Bladder Channels. |
Activates The Channel and alleviates pain. |
LI15 Jian Yu
On the shoulder in the depression on the anterior border of the acromial part of the deltoid muscle when the arm is abducted. |
Shoulder Bone. Meeting Point on the Large Intestine Channel with the Small Intestine and Triple Energizer Channels. |
Alleviates pain and benefits shoulder joint. |
LI4 He Gu
On the dorsum of the hand, approximately at the midpoint of the second metacarpal bone, in the belly of the first interosseus dorsalis muscle. Contraindication: Do Not Needle If Pregnancy is known or suspected |
Union Valley. Yuan Source Point on the Large Intestine Channel. Command Point of the Face and Mouth. |
Activates The Channel and alleviates pain. |
SI3 Hou Xi
In the depression proximal to the head of the fifth metacarpal bone, at the junction of the dorsal and palmar surfaces. |
Back Ravine. Shu Stream Point on the Small Intestine Channel. Wood Point on Fire Meridian. |
Activates The Channel and alleviates pain. |
SI9 Jian Zhen
On the upper back, with the arm in abduction, 1 cun superior to the posterior end of the axillary fold. |
True Shoulder. |
Expels Wind, benefits the shoulder. |